Vantage Point
...just another perspective.

Our wonderful wedding gift

My husband & I were married in 2008 but today, after running errands,
we came home to find a wonderful wedding gift from my sister & brother-
in-law... A Kitchen Aid "Artisian" standing mixer!!! I am so in love
with this thing. I have wanted one ever since I used the one my mom
owns. I kid you not, not even 2 minutes after we brought it up &
opened it, we used it to make some shortbread cookies. They are still
baking, so I can't tell you how they turned out just yet (but the
husband has a knack for getting culinary creations right the first
time, so I'm sure they will be fantastic!) Anyway, Van & I love this
wonderful gift. Thank you R-cubed!!!
4 Perspectives:

I made shortbread cookies yesterday! Alas, I mixed them by hand...

it's beautiful

Oh, believe me, a better gift could not have been given to you! I know you'll enjoy this! It's a fabulous piece of equipment!

@Monicajane....and I am sure your shortbread cookies turned out beautifully! I am not sure why I am so obsessed with this particular gadget but I just am! Seems like your new site is doing really well. Congrats! Thanks for still stopping by here & at Much love to you!

@WC - No doubt :) My sister and BIL are incredibly good gift givers! God love 'em...
Guilty pleasure: My favorite thing to do with this is beat/fluff egg whites until they overflow the bowl! They come out SO well. So I look for recipes where this is required. Hopefully I'll be using them for more than just that though! I know Van will be using it a lot. Much of his mixing has been by hand but I am sure all that is going to change :) I am so excited!!!

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